This class demonstrates how to make beeswax wrapping cloths. These cloths are food-safe, reusable, and can be used in place of plastic wrap.
Cost: $5 (please bring cash to class)
Pre-Registration is Required - please Register HERE
This class will be taught by Vania Winters. She got a top bar hive at an Earth Day Fair auction, knew nothing about beekeeping, but jumped right in! She joined a local beekeepers association, took classes on beekeeping, and began her journey into the fascinating world of bees. She collected honey and learned how to render the wax and use it for plantain salves, wraps, and candles. "It is so rewarding to share how important bees are for the sustainability of agriculture, the many benefits of honey and other bee by-products, and everything else that I have learned about bees and their sophisticated life cycle".